L A S E R P M U & T A T T O O R E M O V A L
Give this game changing service a very warm welcome! Suitable for Permanent Makeup Brow removal and
small body tattoos! We are now offering these incredible, specialised services.
I see many clients with unliked, unwanted or over saturated permanent makeup that the decision to train and
offer this service seemed just right so I can now offer you the full “undo redo” service!
L A S E R R E M O V A L I S T H E P E R F E C T O P T I O N I F...
-You have over saturated brows from years of PMU
-Your tops ups don’t really seem to be doing much
-Your brows have turned grey(cool)or orange(warm)
-They’re just simply too dark or the wrong colour
-Your brows appear patchy and no longer defined
-You no longer like the shape of your brows
-You wish to change the style from powder to hairstrokes
-You want to fully restart and bring your brow style up to date
-Your brows need correction from botched work.
If you answered “YES” to any of these, LASER removal could be for you!
And, of course, we cannot forget the regrettable body tattoos - don’t worry we can remove those too!
You can book a consultation easy online using our "BOOK ONLINE" link above. If you struggle with online bookings, you can contact me directly and a booking can be arranged. If you are confident to book online online, our easily accessible booking system will show, live, up to date availability for all treatments. For all LASER removal treatments you will need to book a "laser removal consultation" prior to treatment so I can assess your suitability for treatment. Once your appointment is booked and confirmed, consultation forms will be forwarded electronically to the email address you provided when booking. You are asked to complete them to the best of your ability - this will assist during the consultation stages. Don’t worry if you are unsure of anything, this will all be discussed when I meet with you in person. Your face to face consultation is then when we have an opportunity to discuss your requirements, I will give my advice and recommendations for treatment based on the information obtained during the consultation and also the medical history you provided on the consultation form. We also discuss your reasons for treatment and your likes and dislikes. This gives me a greater understanding as to whether you would be suitable for treatment and what treatments would be best to meet your expectations. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions during this time.
Once we have agreed a treatment plan, your appointment will be booked and a small booking fee taken to secure your appointment. Don’t worry if you forget to ask anything during your consultation, I am always on hand to answer any questions you have so just drop me a line and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Patch testing is carried out for all laser removal treatments, whether that be permanent makeup removal or small body tattoo removals at least 7 days prior to treatment.
Please note, I will not carry out any treatment without an up to date patch test, this is not only to cover myself but to ensure your health and safety during your treatment with me.
Laser removal is usually a multi appointment treatment. This will be thoroughly discussed with you during consultation and after each treatment. When you attend for your first appointment, after checking that nothing has changed since your previous consultation/appointment we discuss the next step of removal. As the treatment room is prepared, we may use some cold calming products to keep you as comfortable as possible during the procedure which is usually very quick.
After treatment, I will take you through the aftercare and will send this electronically too just in case you need a reminder. It is very important that you fully follow all aftercare given to you to achieve the best results from you treatment. You will also have the opportunity to ask any further questions you may have post treatment. We will then reassess your PMU or body tattoo in a follow up appointment no sooner than 6 weeks from that treatment date to ensure the skin is fully healed and prepared for another session if required.
When attending your follow up treatment, I will assess how your initial treatment has performed and healed. The outcome and further treatment will be fully discussed and we will continue with your removal journey.
See procedure timings and full price list